Spit It Out

Friday, June 19, 2009

HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!

Watch it with Spencer and Joey...
Totally filled with suspense!! Go catch the damned movie, don't wait for the DVD!!!
It's really scary because of the volume in the theaters...
So if you're scared easily, bring a hoodie and some noise canceling earpieces...
I regretted not bringing my hoodie because my shirt's neck hole is so huge after I tried to bury my head...
The ending's pretty sad though...
Wasn't expecting it...
Even though I knew she took the wrong envelope...
SPOILER!! Ha ha...
Saw the trailer for The Haunting in Connecticut and The Final Destination...
BOTH REALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!! But Final Destination always gets horrible ratings......
Oh, by the way, don't think the movie's all horror and suspense, there's a little comedy sprinkled here and there once in a while...
But the scaring happens like once every five minutes or so...
So it pretty much evens out the movie...
I give the movie an 8/10... :D

Watch it!!!!!!

Don't even think about watching The Final Destination... It's likely to be M18/R21 again...

P.S. Ellen Page, Kitty of X-Men, was supposed to play Christine Brown, but dropped out due to strike related issues... :(