Was watching Taylor Swift's video for Teardrops on My Guitar...
I think the guys pretty dumb...
Chooses a black over Taylor Swift...
Yes, the girl is black...
I know it's only a song, but I still think the guy's pretty stupid...
Restaurant City, I've said it was a dumb and gay game...
But everyone's playing it, so I've just started yesterday...
Level 7, 3-star, restaurant named Crapoola...
Quite difficult to play...
I'm so bored right now...
Watching music videos on Channel V the whole day while watching my restaurant grow...
Oooh, it was Pearlyn's birthday yesterday...
Damn, forgot...
I didn't forget, actually... I didn't even know in the first place...
Going to wish her a happy birthday when she comes online...
Still bored... Snow Patrol is a very boring band...
TV turned off...
iTunes turned on...
Listening to Eminem's album, Relapse...
Nice album, like I said in my earlier posts...
Check out his music video, 3 A.M. ...
Really cool and disturbing...
Listening to Slipknot now...
Really awesome band, I'm not saying that just because I like them...
They just have this incredible energy and they put it into their performances and songs...
If you're not into heavy stuff, check out Snuff or Vermilion Pt. 2 on YouTube...
They're one of the few acoustic songs that Slipknot has done...
If you want the heavy shit, check out (Sic)...
Also check out Liberate... It's my favourite right now...
Oh, and my opinion of the new show on Channel 8...
Well, it's not that new, started last Tuesday or something...
My opinion... I F*****' HATE IT!!
They made Felicia Chin as flat as shit and made her look like a man...
That's just insulting...
I hate Tay Ping Hui too...
That bastard can't sing, he massacred everyone's ears at the Marina Bay Countdown...
Another reason why I hate him so much was because of his character on The Golden Path...
Very awesome show, one of my all time favourites...
He played this scheming bastard who had sex with his own step-sister and got her pregnant...
And worse, didn't want to admit it and just let her die in some sort of accident...
That was when I really started to hate him...
And that stance Tay Ping Hui did in the teasers, the one showing him all crippled up and shit was an insult to Chew Chor Meng, in my opinion...
Oh, and in purely unrelated and uncared news, there was this one-legged person who's been denied entry into The Butter Factory, the new shit where lifeless people above 18 go to...
Yes, he was denied entry because he had only one leg and was using crutches...
I'm on both sides here...
Pub says that it was due to safety regulations while the people say it's discrimination...
I agree with the pub because:
- Come on, a guy on crutches in a pub? You're kidding me...
- He's probably going to get knocked over and get trampled...
- Think of all the toes he's going to crush with his crutches...
- Yes, disabled people should be allowed to have fun... Just not at those places...
I agree with the people because:
- Disabled people can have fun too, right?
- This is actually the only point I can think of...
Wow, unexpected...
Los Angeles Lakers will be facing Orlando Magic...
I thought it would be like last year, Lakers VS Celtics...
But Celtics didn't even make pass the semifinals...
Ok, time to subscribe to the Sports channels again...
Ok, this is the end of my very, very long post which started from 10 in the morning...
P.S. It's 11 now...