Now I'm busting my nuts over which one to get - a PlayStation 3 or a brand new PC...
PlayStation 3:
Naruto Shippuuden Narutimate Accel series will be releasing on it from 2009 onwards
Guitar Hero series will be releasing on it after Smash Hits
Rock Band series will be releasing on it starting from the Beatles edition
Grand Theft Auto!!!
Better graphics
Downloadable content (CHINESE DEMOCRACY!!!)
Online play
Expensive games!! Seriously... $75 for a game? Go **** yourself, man!!
Small variety of games...
Expensive console...
Sims 3!!!
No lag!!!
Same price as PlayStation 3
All to myself
Graphics aren't as good as the PlayStation
Same price as PlayStation 3
Will probably lag on some games also
No Rock Band
Lags like crazy on Guitar Hero no matter how fast the PC is...
And last but not least...
THE XBOX 360!!!
Just came to my mind... It doesn't really appeal to me now, considering my cousin sold away his and Jie An doesn't have Xbox Live... Asshole...
The cute avatar thingy
Gamer Card
I have friends who have Xbox Live...
Cheaper than the PS3
More games
Tons of M18 games...
Jie An doesn't have XBL... Get it, you douche!!!
Graphics aren't as good as PS3's
I'm a Sony supporter... :P
Has the damned Red Rings of Death
PlayStation 3: $599 (80GB)
Xbox 360: $499 (Normal, 60GB) $679 (Elite, 120 GB)
PC: $799-$999
Damned price hikes... I swear it used to be $100 less for the Xbox...
I really want the PC just for Combat Arms, but I rarely touch it now... And I will eventually stop playing it...
So I think it's pretty screwed up to buy a brand new PC just for a game which I don't play as much nowadays...
So I'm really considering a PlayStation 3 right now... Xbox 360 is my second choice, but I highly doubt I'll get it...
Damn you, Red Rings of Death...