Haven't posted in a long time...
But none of you little shits care, so what the hell?
Anyway, today was fun...
Woke up at 5.50 so can leave the house earlier, but apparently, it wasn't early enough...
Reached school at 7...
Then there were like 10 people who asked me why I wore my Number 4 today...
Well, it's because I'm better than all of you little mo'fukers...
Nah, just joking you little mo'fukers...
It's because I passed the Part B trainfire with Daniel so we get to shoot some real shit...
Back to the past...
Screw everything else, Home Economics...
Cooked Bee Hoon...
Slackish because was doing with teacher and she helped me cut everything...
Then Lip Koon came to my class and brought us to look for Sir...
Went to eat!!
Sir then drove us to Pasir Laba camp... However the shit it's spelled...
Live Range was loud... And I mean LOUD...
Damned specs... Lost Mayflower's score sheet...
Was pretty easy, by the way...
Only missed one!! MARKSMAN BADGE!!!
Sir then drove us home and we were caught in a jam...
Went to McDonalds' with Daniel after that...
Was damn hungry!!
Then rushed home and went for tuition...
After that, went for dinner at my grandparents' place...