Spit It Out

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Went for my cousin's 1 month anniversary.After that went across to Velocity.Brought Justin to go stroll.I carried him/put him in the stroller.Went to BreadTalk! and bought bread and bought present for my cousin.Still got some more things that happened,just can't be bothered to write.Then we went home.My aunts came along to my house.Then I went downstairs to buy Naruto Volume 13 and some tea.Watched the VCD then went back inside my room.Then I watched somemore Naruto on http://www.youtube.com/watch_fullscreen?video_id=f3oqVjdSTz0&l=794&t=OEgsToPDskKNPHbuXx7t-DsJwfj11024&fs=1&title=Naruto%20Episode%20213%20Part%202%20of%202 (Note:This is Part 1 of Naruto 213)...My aunt then keep saying I am Naruto 'siao' after she saw my collection of posters,miniatures,VCDs and the manga...